Valentine's Day is a time for love and connection, a time to focus on those special people in our lives and to strengthen our relationships with them. But in this era of technology, it can be easy to become lost in our devices, scrolling through social media for hours or answering work emails instead of spending precious time with the people around us.  

Here are some tips on how to disconnect from your device and reconnect with your loved one this Valentine's Day. 

1. One of the most important things you can do to disconnect from your device is to set boundaries. Decide on a specific time each day to put your phone away and focus on spending quality time with your partner. This could be during dinner, while watching a movie, or even just while taking a walk together. By setting these boundaries, you will be able to disconnect from your device and focus on the person you love. 

2. Another way to disconnect from your device is to create a digital-free environment. This could mean no phones are allowed in the bedroom for example. You could also plan a special activity or trip that doesn't involve technology, like a picnic in the park or a hike in the mountains. 

3. Offer a special gift: within the FERRONATO range, you’ll find the perfect solution, both for gifting a beautifully handcrafted piece of luxury and for providing a smart solution to disconnect from your device. Each FERRONATO faraday bag is lined with MetaFab®, a metallised fabric that blocks electromagnetic interferences. Once an electronic device is inserted inside, you are no longer reachable and can enjoy the present moment. 

4. When you receive notifications on your phone, it's easy to get distracted and pulled back into using electronic devices. Turning off notifications or putting your phone on silent can help you avoid temptation by reducing the frequency and urgency of alerts. This can also help you stay present in the moment and focused on spending quality time with your loved ones. 

These tips could help you create the perfect environment for Valentine’s Day and can be a start of instilling good habits in your relationship. Most relationship problems start when one party doesn’t feel sufficiently valued, which can lead to feelings of disconnection from their partner’s reality. Electronic devices can create these toxic barriers, and we need to be more conscious of their impact on our lives. The times we spend with our loved ones are precious and should be cherished. Happy Valentine’s Day! 

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