Isn’t it tempting, disappearing for a bit and having no one bothering you? 

Much like Harry Potter and his invisibility cloak, you now have the power to make your digital self disappear - simply by inserting your devices inside a FERRONATO EMF phone sleeve, faraday bag or clutch. The FERRONATO range shields your devices from electromagnetic interferences, allowing you to go completely off-grid whenever you choose. 

Unlike Harry Potter however, this is not due to magic, but to science. Embedded into each FERRONATO bag is a sleeve made from our very own, metallised fabric called MetaFab™. Named for its originator, scientist Michael Faraday, this sleeve forms a powerful Faraday cage, capable of blocking all radiofrequency and electromagnetic interferences, including WiFi, GPS, Bluetooth and GSM. 

It is like disappearing from the Marauder’s map; you can’t be tracked anymore. Not only that, when your device is safely inserted inside the protective sleeve you also prevent the risk of data theft and remote activation of your device. Mischief avoided!  

Today, the importance of taking back control of your privacy cannot be understated. If you are still wondering, here is why:    

  • Privacy means keeping freedom of thought and feeling. The more your data is exposed, the more it can be used without your permission, which implies that we lose control of what is said and known about us. 
  • Privacy can also mean physical safety. Electronic devices track your location in a very precise way, and microphones and cameras can be remotely activated. This can become tricky when we need our location or our conversations to stay private.
  • When your privacy is breached, sensitive or valuable information can be exposed, thus putting your finances, your business, your identity at risk.

This year’s Halloween is an opportunity to become a wizard, a superhero and a ghost all at the same time. Visit the FERRONATO online shop to choose your favourite bag – or maybe it will choose you? 



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